The Cause of Excitement in 2018
In March 2018, a scientific research paper sparked widespread excitement. Dr. Nalin Chandra Wickramasinghe and his team of 33 scientists claimed the presence of extraordinary DNA in octopuses. The paper noted:

“The genetics of these organisms, which include octopuses, squids, and cuttlefish, are as strange as the animals themselves. This is partly due to their ability to edit their DNA on the fly. The authors make the bold claim that these genetic oddities could be a sign of life originating from space.”
Octopus: Familiar Creature or Unknown Marvel?
Our conventional understanding of octopuses underwent a dramatic shift after this research. It was revealed that octopus DNA contains approximately 50,000 genes, nearly double the 20,000–25,000 genes found in humans.
This discovery has placed octopuses at the center of intriguing debates, further solidifying their status as one of the most enigmatic creatures on Earth.

What are Genes?
Genes are parts of DNA that play a vital role in shaping, functioning, and regulating our bodies. The highly complex genetic structure of octopuses has astonished scientists.
Strange Features of the Octopus
1. Ability to Edit Genes
Octopuses can edit RNA, which is created from their DNA. This ability allows them to quickly adapt to their environment.

2. Camouflage Skin
Octopuses can change the color of their skin to match their surroundings. This serves as a powerful tool for both hunting and evading predators.
3. Distributed Brain
An octopus’s brain isn’t limited to its head; it is also spread throughout its body. Their tentacles, or arms, have independent neural control.
4. Nine Brains and Three Hearts
Octopuses possess nine brains and three hearts, which makes them incredibly unique and adds to their mystery.

Connection to Extraterrestrial Life?
Researchers suggest that octopuses might have been brought to Earth’s oceans by unknown means and could potentially represent extraterrestrial life. In ancient civilizations, octopuses were even worshipped as gods or deities. For instance, in Manta, Ecuador, a carving depicting an octopus as a divine figure has been discovered.
Questions from the Past and Imaginations for the Future
Did extraterrestrials visit Earth thousands of years ago, with octopuses as their companions? Or is this merely a mysterious chapter in natural evolution?
Final Thoughts
Octopuses inspire us to think not only about science but also about science fiction. Their unique features and extraordinary abilities suggest that these creatures hold deep secrets of nature.That’s all for today! On behalf of Sci-fi Note, we wish you all the best. Stay well, keep the environment healthy, and continue to love science. Thank you!
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